Center for Energimedicin

Unplug from the Matrix: Dealing with Fear

Price: Pay what you can

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Order summary

Unplug from the Matrix: Dealing with Fear

In this online Unplug From the Matrix event, we will be exploring the nature of fear as a dark shadow in our natural divine consciousness. We will look at different types of fears in our society and ourselves, and neutralize them as we move through the subtle layers of fearful conditioning that we have been subjected to throughout our lives.

We will look into the seemingly all-devouring nature of fearful emotions etched into your energy body and your memories. The kind of memories and emotions that overtake you, hold you in their grip and suck your life force from you while doing so. And we are going to elegantly and peacefully transform them into a different frequency, that is much more aligned with your true divine nature.

Because you are not your fear and your fear is not you. Fear is an illusion. And the more we shine our light on who and what we truly are as the universal source of love, the less room can fear to have in our consciousness and our lives, as we go about our daily business of truly being the best version of ourselves.
DKK 50
Total due DKK 50

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